VCQB with Centrifuge Training

Course Duration: 2 Days

Course Requirements: Open Enrollment

Vehicle CQB is an accelerated shooting class focused on positional shooting and a critical look at how we have historically fought in and around vehicles.  Students will push the boundaries of “traditional” cover and concealment utilizing various cars and trucks in a true 3D environment. Drills will incorporate critical weapon employment while engaging threats in, around, from, over and under vehicles with a heavy emphasis on problem solving. Live ballistic demos with a variety of ammunition will be conducted as the class explores ballistic deflection, deformation, penetration and terminal effect in direct correlation to various vehicle mediums. Both days of this course will be long days, so come prepared.

Course Prerequisites:

  • U.S. Citizen.
  • Able to legally carry a firearm.
  • Able to demonstrate and employ safe weapons handling during courses of fire.
  • Previous intermediate to advanced firearms training to include courses of fire where movement, barricades, working around others, communicating and adverse shooting positions were addressed.

Individual Equipment List:

  • Handgun with at least 3 magazines (5 if single stack) and magazine pouch.
  • Holster must attach via the belt (paddle holsters are not allowed). Holsters must provide an active or passive retention device and be able to keep the holster in place while running or moving in and out of awkward positions. No SERPA or Vanguard type holsters.
  • 800 rounds handgun ammunition
  • CAT or SOF T TQ on your person is mandatory an IFAK is recommended.
  • Cleaning kit and gun lube.
  • Eye protection and electronic ear protection.
  • Long sleeve shirt, gloves, knee pads are mandatory. Elbow pads and shemagh (face wrap) are optional.
  • Normal CCW or Full duty belt / tactical loadout (your normal work or EDC setup).
  • Notepad, pen and permanent marker.
  • Water and snacks.


* Please note: that the range has no facilities / running water etc (they do have porta potties), so please bring plenty of water and anything else you might need throughout the days.

Sign up on the CENTRIFUGE WEBSITE now.

Event Details