The Presscheck Intermediate Assault Rifle Course (2 Days) is designed to equip patrol and tactical officers with the skills to apply accurate rifle fire in critical situations at varying distances and from various positions.
This 20 hour course stresses the importance of applying offset and holds at various distances and angles to ensure proper point of impact. Varying techniques of supporting the rifle to mitigate recoil and stabilize the reticle for proper shot placement will be used.
Providing comprehensive safety briefing discussing the practical application of the 4 firearms safety rules in the real world
Definition reviews of Internal, External, and Terminal ballistics, including 100, 200, and 300 yard zero
Zeroing/confirming zero on all sights
Drills used to demonstrate POI deviation when cant is applied to the rifle
Analysis of individual shooting techniques of students/officers by the trainer to receive personal feedback on ways to improve accuracy and speed
Engagement of low-percentage targets (small strike area often obscured with a hostage or other no-shoot area) from various distances while applying proper hold offs
Shooting moving targets while applying leads (if class progression allows)
Shooting on the move (if class progression allows)
The student will understand the importance of critical hits and the consequences of a miss, and will be able to diagnose if they are capable of achieving hits at any given moment based upon pre-shot diagnostics of their sights in real time, the hold-off of their reticle based on target distance, body position, and cant of the weapon.
This course will enable students to continue developing and maintaining these skills through the use of clear, repeatable standards.

Presscheck Training and Consulting, LLC. is a Disabled Veteran owned small business founded in 2015 to provide training to Military, Law Enforcement and vetted civilians in Marksmanship, tactics, Close Quarters Combat, Urban Operations, and Night Vision as well as other restricted subject matter. Presscheck also provides Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support to the firearms, tactical, and defense industries in the areas of new product design, business development, human factors engineering, and brand marketing. Presscheck currently provides various services for Blue Force Gear, Chambers Custom, B.E. Meyers & Co., and Sons of Liberty Gun Works.
In 2019, Presscheck collaborated with world-famous gunsmith and custom 1911 manufacturer, Joe Chambers of Chambers Custom, to design a duty-grade custom 2011 pistol with a revolutionary mini red dot sight mounting system. This weapon, the Nightfighter, became the first Chambers Custom Pro-series pistol released to the market. Presscheck and Chambers Custom continue to evolve the platform for duty applications with the 2020 release of the Lightfighter 2011 pistol.
SGM(R) Pressburg retired from the US Army on January 1, 2017 after 26 years of active service, mostly in Special Operations and Special Missions Units. After Infantry and Airborne Training in 1990, Chuck completed the Ranger Indoctrination Program and was assigned to the 1st Bn, 75th Ranger Regiment.
Chuck’s experience includes:
10 years in the 75th Ranger Regiment including Platoon Sergeant of a 65-man strike force that was deployed to Afghanistan two times in 2001/2002. Chuck’s platoon was highly decorated for combat action receiving 10 Silver Stars and 11 Bronze stars with “V” during their first deployment.
24 months Rifle and Sniper Squad Leader – 82nd Airborne Division.
2 years Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) (Founding member, 1st active Army unit member deployed to combat, Selection Class #1, Operational Training Course (OTC) Class #1).
20 months in Operation Iraqi Freedom conducting Small Kill Team (SKT) operations and Direct Action raids in support of conventional and Special Operations Forces.
12 years, HQ USASOC performing various operational and staff tasks including a two-year assignment to the G8 section where Chuck performed Science and Technology R&D. While assigned to USASOC, Chuck graduated from the Defense Acquisitions University’s Combat Developer’s Course and The Human Factors Engineering (MANPRINT) Course. Chuck spent several years assisting in material acquisition programs for SOF.